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This Man Built a Stunning Cave House – And It Will Inspire You to Create Your Own Dream Home

Sustainable Interior Décor Choices

Every detail within the cave house’ interior has been construed according to the principles of sustainability; this is not only materials but also furnishings. The builder opted for furniture that was more locally crafted to minimize the impact of transportation in supporting local artisans. Items chosen were durable and will be timelessly appealing; quality over quantity stands out as the builder strives for excellence.

Reclaimed wood, organic textiles, and natural stone were implemented throughout the home, establishing an esthetic that would be harmonized with the home’s earth-integrated design. Everything is minimalist, selecting only what is needed and giving no extra to create clutter. The builder’s approach to décor differs only in a philosophy of simplicity where each item is presented for contribution to the setting of peace and balance within the home.

This commitment to interior choices that are sustainable not only lowers the impact on the environment but also contributes toward an overall serenity of the space. A responsible approach to every single piece of furniture, every color, and every texture chosen to create harmony within the natural surroundings has been very carefully selected.

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